
Friday, August 31, 2007


Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Arizona Game and Fish Department
2221 West Greenway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Shooter Participation Fee

There will be a $50.00 fee for all students participating at Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS) in the Scholastic Clay Target Program. This fee will go to help the club cover program costs.

Please fill out and detach the bottom half of this sheet and return it to your club’s lead instructor.

Please make checks payable to Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS) return with all other registration material. Ask your lead instructor if in question.

Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Shooter Participation Fee 2007 Season

____________________________________________________Name of Parent or Guardian

____________________________________________________Student’s Name

Amount Enclosed



The red blinking lights are now traffic signals.

Commissioner's Cup

Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Arizona Game and Fish Department
2221 West Greenway Road
Phoenix, AZ 85023
Commissioner’s Cup State Championship Entry Form

(Please Print)
Club Name: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
Name__________________________________________ Phone Number (_____)___________
Date of Birth________________________ Age ___________ Current Grade Level__________
ATA # (if known) NSSA # (if known) NSCA # (if known)
______________ ________________ ________________
SPORTING CLAYS - Ben Avery – March 29, 2008 (Registration Deadline – February 23, 2008)
Check-in 8:00am. Shoot begins 9:00am
I will compete at the SCTP Arizona State Commissioners Cup for Sporting Clays ____________
If my team wins first place at the state competition I will attend the national event ___________
Entry Fee (100 Targets) $25.00 $_____________

SKEET - Tucson – April 12, 2008 (Registration Deadline –March 11, 2008)
Check-in 8:00am. Shoot begins 9:00am
I will compete at the SCTP Arizona State Commissioners Cup for Skeet ___________________
If my team wins first place at the state competition I will attend the national event ___________
Entry Fee (100 Targets) $25.00 $_____________

TRAP – Red Mountain – May 3, 2008 (Registration Deadline – March 15, 2008)
Check-in 8:00am. Shoot begins 9:00am
I will compete at the SCTP Arizona State Commissioners Cup for Trap ____________________
If my team wins first place at the state competition I will attend the national event ___________
Entry Fee (200 Targets) $40.00 Rookie Entry Fee (100 Targets) $25.00 $_____________

TOTAL $____________

(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)

Make checks payable to:
Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS) Please place in memo shooters name and events.

Mail checks to reserve entry to:
Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
12122 S. Toltec Buttes Rd.
Eloy, Az. 85231

The above fees DO NOT include shells, National Gorverning Body Fees or lunch. They are for targets and prizes only.


Scholastic Clay Target Program 07-08

This is last years calenar!!!

13-Oct CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

20-Oct CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

3-Nov CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

17-Nov CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

22-Nov Happy Thanksgiving

1-Dec CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.
Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Tucson) entryand fees to CATS

8-Dec CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

16-Dec Fun Shoot Tucson

25-Dec Merry Christmas

4-Jan Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Red Mountain) entry to CATS

5-Jan CATS Practice 1:00 p.m
12-Jan Fun Shoot Red Mountain

26-Jan CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

8-Feb Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Ben Avery) entry to CATS

9-Feb CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

16-Feb Fun Shoot Ben Avery

23-Feb CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.
Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays entry and fees to CATS

1-Mar CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.
Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Skeet entry and fees to CATS

15-Mar CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.
Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Trap entry and fees to CATS

23-Mar Happy Easter

29-Mar Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays at Ben Avery

5-Apr CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

12-Apr Commissioner Cup Skeet at Tucson

19-Apr CATS Practice 1:00 p.m.

3-May Commissioners Cup Trap at Red Mountain


Rodney Shedd 520 251-2024C

check for information and updates