
Saturday, September 15, 2007

07-08 Registration

Hi All,

Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS) will once again offer the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) for all children ages 9-19. We have 14 practices scheduled at CATS where the atheletes will learn safe gun handling fundamentals, practices and techniques from certified Arizona Game and Fish Youth Shotgun Coaches. The atheletes will be exposed to the various techniques involved in shooting clay targets and proper course ettiquette along with proper gun care. Arizona Game and Fish will have ten 1187 automatic shotguns available for our use and new participants to the program will receive eye, ear and head protection. In the past, Arizona Game and Fish fully funded this program but this year they are only partially funding the program. Based on last years participation we have to raise the fees to a minimum of $50 to cover the costs of ammo and targets. This is still an excellent value as the actual cost per athelete enrolled in the program is about $200 per child if they participate fully in every practice. Central Arizona Target Shooting was created only for this program and does not make any money on this program all the extra monies will be used to help with the State Shoots.

We will hold registration at the Masonic Lodge in Casa Grande on September 20 at 6:00 P.M.
The address is
Pinal Lodge #30
1140 E. Florence Blvd.
Casa Grande, Az.
It is located across the wall from Albertsons.

We will collect the $50 minimum, fill out the registration forms and answer any questions at this time. Additional information may be found on our blog

Check this regular as I will post any updates there.
If you have any further questions or concerns I can be reached at:

520 251-2024

New shooters are welcome. (It's the only way the program will work for $50). So if you know anyone that has not done this program before encourage them to sign up!

CATS and all of our volunteer coaches look forward to once again working with the youth in the Shotgun Shooting Sports.

Safe Shooting,

Rodney Shedd
Lead Instructor