
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fun Shoot Awards

Fun Shoot Awards
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 21:37:34 -0700

Attention Coaches and Athletes,

The first Fun Shoot of the year is over. I hope all that attended had a wonderful time despite the weather. We had 11 athletes sign up and only 10 participate. I hope you are feeling better Austin. I know you must have been sick to miss shooting. I'd like to thank Christina for still helping out with a sick child at home. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I would not have been able to run a trap field and get all the athletes their paper work and guns by myself. We had several first time "Fun Shooters" and I hope you we attend the next one. It should be a little less confusing next time now that you know the ropes. Be sure to go back to your coach and ask them to work on the things you need to improve on. Here are the awards our athletes received. If you left before the award ceremony and received an award I will give it to your coach and they will give it to you at your next practice.

Waylon W Rookie Level 1 Trap 1st place Sporting Clays 3rd place

Isaac B Intermediate Level 1 Trap 3rd place
Tanner S Intermediate Level 1 Trap 4th place
Jake M Intermediate Level 1 Trap 9th place Sporting Clays 8th place

Steven S Intermediate Level 2 Skeet 1st place Sporting Clays 4th place

Jonathan R Senior Level 1 Trap 1st place Skeet 1st place Sporting Clays 2nd place

Way to go team!


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Friday, November 28, 2008

Fun Shoot Deadline Dec. 6

Greetings All,
Our first fun shoot is rapidly approaching the deadline is December 6th 2008.  The actual fun shoot is December 13th 2008 at Tucson Trap and Skeet .  I will attach a pdf form that you can fill out and give to your coach along with the appropriate fees.  Make checks out to CATS as I will register everyone and pay Az. Game and Fish. Your coach will fill out the shooter classification as to the level 1,2 or 3.  This year level 1 athletes will only shoot 25 targets in each discipline while the level 2 and 3 athletes will shoot 50 targets in each discipline.  Therefore if you are a level 1 athlete and you are shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays you will need 75 shells or three boxes.  If you are a level 2 or 3 athlete shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays you will need 150 shells or six boxes.  The athlete will be responsible for:
  • hat
  • ear protection
  • eye protection
  • shell bag or pockets to contain the shells on the firing line
  • Entry fees
  • Lunch
  • transportation to and from
    Here is a link to the Tucson Trap and Skeet Club for more information and directions.
    If you need a gun let me know and I will make arrangements.
You can also get our practice calendars and forms at our blog
If you have any other questions I can be reached by phone 520-251-2024 or email


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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Team Calendar 08-09

Date Coaches Time Place
Nov 1 Toby/Russ 2:30pm CATS
Nov 8 Rod /Christina 10 am CATS
Nov 8 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Nov 15 Ben/Greg 10 am CG Trap
Nov 15 Toby/Russ 2:30pm CATS
Nov 22 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Nov 22 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Dec 6 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap
Dec 6 Toby/Russ 2:30 CATS
Dec 6 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Dec 6 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Dec 6 Deadline: Turn in Fun Shoot (Tucson) entry and fees to CATS
Dec 13 ALL Fun Shoot 8am Tucson
Dec 20 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Dec 20 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Dec 20 Toby/Larry 2:30pm CATS
Jan 3 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap cancelled

Revised 1-08-09

Jan 10 Ben/Greg 10 am CG Trap
Jan 10 Rod/Christina 10 am CATS

Jan 10 Dan Larry 10 am CATS
Jan 17 Practice with Dust Devils "They are cooking Brats for all"
Jan 17 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Jan 17 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Jan 17 Toby/Russ 2:30pm CATS
Jan 17 Deadline: Turn in Fun Shoot (Ben Avery) entry and fees to CATS
Jan 24 All Fun Shoot Ben Avery
Jan 30 Toby/Russ 3:00pm CATS
Feb 7 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Feb 7 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Feb 7 Toby/Russ 2:30 CATS
Feb 14 ALL Shoot for State Sporting Clays Team 10am @ CATS
Feb 14 Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Ben Avery 2) entry and fees to CATS
Feb 14 Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays entry and fee to CATS
Feb 21 ALL Shoot for State Skeet Team 10am @ CATS?
Feb 21 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap
Feb 28 ALL Fun Shoot 8am Ben Avery
Mar 7 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap
Mar 7 Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Skeet entry and fees to CATS
Mar 14 Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Trap entry and fees to CATS
Mar 14 ALL Shoot for State Teams Trap 10am @ CATS
Mar 21 Toby/Russ 2:30pm CATS
Mar 21 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap
Mar 28 Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays @ Ben Avery
Apr 4 Rod/Christina 10am CATS
Apr 4 Dan/Larry 10am CATS
Apr 4 Ben/Greg 10am CG Trap
Apr 4 Toby/Russ 2:30pm CATS
Apr 11 Commissioner Cup Skeet @ Tucson
Apr 17 Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup International Trap entry and fees to CATS
Apr 18 Commissioner Cup Trap @ Ben Avery
Apr 24 Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup International Skeet entry and fees to CATS
May 9 International Trap @ Ben Avery
May 23 International Skeet @ Tucson

Ben / Greg Calendar

Ben & Greg's 08-09 Practice Schedule

Nov 15th 10 am @ CG Trap Club
Dec 6th 10 am @ CG Trap Club
Jan 3rd 10 am @ CG Trap Club
Feb 21st 10 am @ CG Trap Club

Note: These will be 100 round practices so they actually count as two practices.

October Practice with Dust Devils

With the closing of Red Mountain Trap and Skeet the Dust Devils a SCTP team from the valley came down and practiced with CATS. This joint practice went as expected. Everyone that came out hit a target and learned about gun safety. A good time was had by all. The Dust Devils treated everyone to some Johnsonville Brats and I must say they were excellent! We also had potato salad and brownies. Yum! The Dust Devils would like to continue to practice at CATS about once a month. Our practices are now split up among the individual coaches so they will be smaller more one on one practices that should yeild some really good results. As I get the schedules from our coaches I will post them here so everyone knows what is going on.

Fun Shoot Changes

This year the fun shoots will run a little differently. The level one athletes will continue to shoot 25 targets in each event however the level two and three athletes will shoot 50 targets in each event. This means that a level one shooter shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays will shoot a total of 75 rounds while the level two and three athlete also shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays will shoot 150 rounds. For those who are new to the program or just have not been able to attend a "Fun Shoot" I encourage you to do so. They really are a lot of fun and the give the athlete a valuable experience. The athletes will be able to test their skills against other athletes from all over the state with similar skill levels.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Ben Avery Fun Shoot February

Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Arizona Game and Fish Department
5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086
Fun Shoot Entry Form
Ben Avery – February 28, 2009 (Registration Deadline – February 20, 2009)
Check-in 8:00am. Shooting begins 9:00am
Name of Club: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)Name___________________________ Phone Number (________) ___________
Date of Birth______________ Age ___________ Current Grade Level_____________­­Lead Instructor: Shedd
Shooter Classification:
Level 1______(Average 0-9 targets broken in any discipline)
Level2______(Average 10-18 targets broken in any discipline)
Level 3______(Average 19-25 targets broken in any discipline
Note: Anyone who has competed in Nationals is a Level 3)
____________________ ________
(Signature of Coach) (Date)
Disciplines offer at Ben Avery
Level 1....................Level 2 & 3
$8.00..............................$14.00.........Sporting Clays______
$20.00............................$40.00......All Three Events_____
Total Costs_______
Please note: The above fees DO NOT INCLUDE SHELLS OR LUNCH.
Please make your check payable to: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS).
Mail check with the entry form to: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
12122 S. Toltec Buttes Rd.
Eloy, Az. 85231
___________________________ ________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)

Ben Avery Fun Shoot January

Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Arizona Game and Fish Department
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086
Fun Shoot Entry Form
Ben Avery – January 10, 2009 (Registration Deadline – January 2, 2009)
Check-in 8:00am. Shooting begins 9:00am
Name of Club: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
Name___________________________ Phone Number (________) ___________
Date of Birth______________ Age ___________ Current Grade Level_____________­­
Lead Instructor: Shedd
Shooter Classification:
Level 1______(Average 0-9 targets broken in any discipline)
Level2______(Average 10-18 targets broken in any discipline)
Level 3______(Average 19-25 targets broken in any discipline)
(Note: Anyone who has competed in Nationals is a Level 3)
____________________ ________
(Signature of Coach) (Date)
Disciplines offer at Ben Avery
Level 1....................Level 2 & 3
$8.00..............................$14.00.........Sporting Clays______
$20.00............................$40.00......All Three Events_____
Total Costs_______
Please note: The above fees DO NOT INCLUDE SHELLS OR LUNCH.
Please make your check payable to:
Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS).
Mail check with the entry form to:
Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
12122 S. Toltec Buttes Rd.
Eloy, Az. 85231
___________________________ ________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)

Tucson Fun Shoot

Arizona Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP)
Arizona Game and Fish Department
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086

Fun Shoot Entry Form
TUCSON – December 13, 2008 (Registration Deadline – December 5, 2008)

Check-in 8:00am. Shooting begins 9:00am
Name of Club: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)Name___________________________ Phone Number (___) ___________
Date of Birth______________ Age ___________ Current Grade Level_____________­
Lead Instructor: Shedd
Shooter Classification:
Level 1______(Average 0-9 targets broken in any discipline)
Level2______(Average 10-18 targets broken in any discipline)
Level 3______(Average 19-25 targets broken in any discipline)
(Note: Anyone who has competed in Nationals is a Level 3)

____________________ ________
(Signature of Coach) (Date)
Disciplines offered at Tucson Trap and Skeet
Level 1............... Level 2 & 3
$8.00................. $14.00.................................... Trap ______
$8.00................. $14.00................................... Skeet ______
$8.00................. $14.00.................... Sporting Clays ______
$20.00.............. $40.00................ All Three Events ______

Total Costs________
Please note: The above fees DO NOT INCLUDE SHELLS OR LUNCH.
Please make your check payable to: Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS).
Mail check with the entry form to:Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS)
12122 S. Toltec Buttes Rd.
Eloy, Az. 85231

___________________________ ________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)

Toby & Russ Calendar 08-09

Toby & Russ
Calendar 08-09
1st, 15th.

6th, 20th.

17th, 31st.



25th, for international trap tentative.

Practice time 2:30 PM
Note: This is the practice schedule for Toby and Russ's team. Please see Rod, Christina, Dan and Larry's calendar for Fun Shoot, Deadlines and State Shoots.

Rod, Christina, Dan and Larry Calendar 08-09

Scholastic Clay Target Program 08-09
18-Oct CATS Practice 10 a.m.
8-Nov CATS Practice 10 a.m.
22-Nov CATS Practice
27-Nov Happy Thanksgiving
6-Dec CATS Practice
Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Tucson) entry and fees to CATS
13-Dec Fun Shoot Tucson
20-Dec CATS Practice
25-Dec Merry Christmas
2-Jan Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Ben Avery) entry to CATS
10-Jan Fun Shoot Ben Avery
17-Jan CATS Practice
24-Jan CATS Practice
7-Feb CATS Practice
14-Feb CATS Practice Shoot for Sporting Clays
Deadline: turn in Fun Shoot (Ben Avery) entry to CATS
Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays entry and fees to CATS

21-Feb CATS Practice Shoot for Skeet
28-Feb Fun Shoot Ben Avery
7-Mar Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Skeet entry and fees to CATS
14-Mar Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup Trap entry and fees to CATS
CATS Practice Shoot for Trap
28-Mar Commissioner Cup Sporting Clays at Ben Avery
4-Apr CATS Practice
11-Apr Commissioners Cup Skeet at Tucson
17-Apr Deadline: turn in Commissioner Cup International Trap entry and fees to CATS
18-Apr Commissioner Cup Trap at Ben Avery
24-Apr Deadline: turn in Commisioner Cup International Skeet entry and fees to CATS
9-May International Trap @ Ben Avery
23-May International Skeet @ Tucson

Rodney Shedd 520 251-2024C 520 466-7821H

check for information and updates

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Local Youth Compete For State Title

Central Arizona Target Shooting (CATS) is a shooting club that was strictly created for the purpose of teaching youth between the ages of 9 and 19 how to properly handle and shoot a shotgun and to compete in the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP). The program located in Eloy, Arizona is run by Rodney Shedd who is the lead instructor and is sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). This year’s program had ten instructors trained by the AZGFD as certified Youth Shotgun Instructors and 45 youths enrolled. AZGFD supplied shotguns, automatic clay target throwers and ammo for the young athletes. The program runs for approximately seven months and ends with the State Championships.

Participants are exposed to 14 practices where they are introduced to the shooting disciplines of trap, skeet, sporting clays and bunker trap. In addition to the regular practices, AZGFD held three fun shoots during which the youth were able to test their skills against other young athletes from all over the state with similar skill levels as they prepare for the State Championships.

This year, the CATS shooting club participated in all of the State Championships and although they did not come away with any titles they competed well. The CATS team of Steven Shedd, Austin Bradford, Tanner Schafersman, Jonathan Reyes and Juliana Tapia finished 3rd in the SCTP Intermediate (grades 6-8) Trap division, and the team of Taran Homol, Austin Bradford, and Steven Shedd also took third place in the SCTP Bunker Trap which was held in conjunction with the USA Olympic Bunker Trap qualification at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility. Taran Homol took top honors in the Women's Division as the High Overall Female for the event and Steven Shedd received 3rd place in the Intermediate Division.

This program was funded and made possible by the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the National Rifle Association, who awarded a $2500 grant for a gun, ammo and additional targets. The local businesses of M & S Equipment, Ag Management Services, Handwerker- Windburn and Casa Grande Rent A Can also contributed support to the program.

Monday, June 23, 2008

State Bunker Trap

Austin Bradford, Taran Homol and Steven Shedd teamed up for the State Bunker Trap Championship. This is the first time a team from CATS participated in this event. For those that don't know what bunker trap is I will try to explain. It is similar to regular trap in that you do not know what direction the targets will be thrown. The targets vary in angle and in height. It will throw targets that barely get off the ground all the to targets that seem to vanish into the great blue sky and everything in between. They are a lot faster than regular trap but you are allowed to take two shots at the same target. It is the closest thing to Olympic Trap that they offer in Arizona. The shoot was also a qualifier for the Olympic Tryouts. The team from CATS placed third in the Scholastic Clay Target Program for Bunker Trap. Way to go team. Steven received the third place plaque for the Intermediate Division and Taran was the High Over All Female in the competition. Wow that is not bad for the first time.

Steven shooting with his squad.

Please note that the team did not shoot together as a squad. The names were drawn randomly and squadded accordingly. I don't know why they did this but that is how it was. So they did not know how the others were shooting until the end.

Austin Shooting

Taran Shooting

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ending 07-08 Season

We are down to our final shoot. I would like to thank all those that participated and helped thoughout the season. Without you, this program would not be possible. Those that stuck with the program from start to finish really got their monies worth. This program would not be available without the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the NRA. The Arizona Game and Fish Department furnished us with most of our resources for the first and second year athletes while the NRA provided a grant in the amount of $2,500. A BIG THANK YOU needs to go out to these organizations for all they do for youth shooting sports. As a requirement to receive the grant from the NRA we are to provide a year end report for them in order to receive this or any future grants. If you have not filled out the short one page CATS survey yet please do so for the benifit of the future young shooters in this program. If you have any other concerns, improvements or comments about the program please do not hesitate to contact me.

Lead Instructor