Fun Shoot Awards
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 21:37:34 -0700
Attention Coaches and Athletes,
The first Fun Shoot of the year is over. I hope all that attended had a wonderful time despite the weather. We had 11 athletes sign up and only 10 participate. I hope you are feeling better Austin. I know you must have been sick to miss shooting. I'd like to thank Christina for still helping out with a sick child at home. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! I would not have been able to run a trap field and get all the athletes their paper work and guns by myself. We had several first time "Fun Shooters" and I hope you we attend the next one. It should be a little less confusing next time now that you know the ropes. Be sure to go back to your coach and ask them to work on the things you need to improve on. Here are the awards our athletes received. If you left before the award ceremony and received an award I will give it to your coach and they will give it to you at your next practice.
Waylon W Rookie Level 1 Trap 1st place Sporting Clays 3rd place
Isaac B Intermediate Level 1 Trap 3rd place
Tanner S Intermediate Level 1 Trap 4th place
Jake M Intermediate Level 1 Trap 9th place Sporting Clays 8th place
Steven S Intermediate Level 2 Skeet 1st place Sporting Clays 4th place
Jonathan R Senior Level 1 Trap 1st place Skeet 1st place Sporting Clays 2nd place
Way to go team!
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